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MARNYS Alerhelp contains an exclusive standardised combination of vegetable concentrates, such as caper (Capparis spinosa), olive leaf, blackcurrant, ginseng, which along with curry plant and resveratrol help with spring discomfort related to nose and throat, as well as physical performance.
The vegetable extracts in MARNYS Alerhelp can help against the discomfort related to itchy nose and throat, and watery eyes which are frequent during springtime because:
Curry plant (Helichrysum italicum) belongs to the family Asteraceae, of Mediterranean origin. It is an aromatic bush with yellow flowers containing flavonoids, terpenes and coumarins. In the formulation of MARNYS Alerhelp curry plant is present in a plant’s leaf extract and contributes to normal function of respiratory system (EFSA ON HOLD 3922), and to well-being of nose and mouth (Italian Ministry’s list on botanical functional properties).
Blackcurrant in the formulation of MARNYS Alerhelp is a plant’s leaf extract with minimum polyphenol content of 10%. Blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum) helps in the well-being of nose and mouth (Italian Ministry’s list on botanical functional properties).
Ginseng (Panax ginseng) in MARNYS Alerhelp is a plant’s root extract with minimum ginsenoside content of 20%. Ginseng contributes to maintenance of normal immune function (EFSA ON HOLD 2670, 3672, 3930), as well as to physical performance (EFSA ON HOLD 2808, 2672, 2671) and helps against tiredness, fatigue and weakness (EMA; Italian Ministry’s list on botanical functional properties).
MARNYS Alerhelp is an ideal supplement for those who need some help against spring discomfort and to optimise their physical performance.MARNYS Alerhelp is presented in liquid drinkable single-dose vials (convenient dosage).
MARNYS Cuminmar softgels contain Black Cumin oil extracted by cold pressing Nigella sativa seeds. This extraction method guarantees that all properties are in optimal condition.
MARNYS Cuminmar softgels with Black Cumin oil have got a minimum linoleic acid and thymoquinone content of 55-65% and 1.28%, respectively.
Black Cumin seeds have been of help for hundreds of years for some ailments, being of importance within the traditional Indian herbology, as well as of an extraordinary help, prophesied within Islam, for well-being.
MARNYS Cuminmar Black Cumin oil counts on the following properties:
Linoleic acid, Omega 6, is an essential fatty acid and precursor of other fatty acids synthesised by the body in the liver: gamma-linoleic acid (GLA) and dihomo-gamma-linoleic acid (DGLA) which are important constituents of cell membranes.
Thymoquinone is a volatile constituent of Black Cumin and belongs to benzoquinone group, which has shown antioxidant effects and other interesting bioactivities.
MARNYS Cuminmar’s action makes it an ideal supplement for those who want to balance spring variability due to the action of pollen, humidity, insects, etc. that may cause respiratory discomfort.MARNYS Cuminmar is presented in capsules with black cumin oil that improve preservation and dosage.
MARNYS Cuminmar softgels contain Black Cumin oil extracted by cold pressing Nigella sativa seeds. This extraction method guarantees that all properties are in optimal condition.
MARNYS Cuminmar softgels with Black Cumin oil have got a minimum linoleic acid and thymoquinone content of 55-65% and 1.28%, respectively.
Black Cumin seeds have been of help for hundreds of years for some ailments, being of importance within the traditional Indian herbology, as well as of an extraordinary help, prophesied within Muslim religion, for well-being.
MARNYS Cuminmar Black Cumin oil counts on the following properties:
Linoleic acid, Omega 6, is an essential fatty acid and precursor of other fatty acids synthesised by the body in the liver: gamma-linoleic acid (GLA) and dihomo-gamma-linoleic acid (DGLA) which are important constituents of cell membranes.
Thymoquinone is a volatile constituent of Black Cumin and belongs to benzoquinone group, which has shown antioxidant effects and other interesting bioactivities.
MARNYS Cuminmar’s action makes it an ideal supplement for those who want to balance spring variability due to the action of pollen, humidity, insects, etc. that may cause respiratory discomfort.MARNYS Cuminmar is presented in capsules with black cumin oil that improve preservation and dosage.