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Green Tea Essence Mask
Individual masks enriched with plant extracts (Tea Tree, Sage, Thyme, Or Rosemary). Ultra-thin sheets fit perfectly for strong ingredient bonding on skin.
Hyaluronic Acid 50mg
Product Color:
Off White
Important Joint Lubricant*
With MSM
Hyaluronic acid is a compound present in every tissue of the body, with the highest concentrations occurring in connective tissues such as skin and cartilage.* Hyaluronic acid is an important constituent of joint fluid, where it serves as a lubricant and plays a role in resisting compressive forces.* MSM was added to this product as a natural sulfur compound, offering the chemical links needed to form and maintain connective tissues in the human body including articular cartilage.*Natural color variation may occur in this product.
Hyaluronic Acid 100mg
Product Color:
Beige w/Speckles
Important Joint Lubricant*
With L-Proline, Alpha Lipoic Acid and Grape Seed Extract
Hyaluronic acid is a compound present in every tissue of the body, with the highest concentrations occurring in connective tissues such as skin and cartilage.* Hyaluronic acid is an important constituent of joint fluid, where it serves as a lubricant and plays a role in resisting compressive forces.* L-proline, alpha lipoic acid and grape seed extract have been included to create a more complete formula.This double strength product has twice the hyaluronic acid (100 mg per capsule) as in our regular strength product (50 mg per capsule).
Natural color variation may occur in this product.
Aloe Vera Gels
Product Color:
10,000 mg Equivalency per Softgel
Supports the Body’s Healing Process*
Aloe Vera offers a variety of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids. Aloe vera̍s constituent mucopolysaccharides, also known as glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), are thought to be its active components. Scientific studies have indicated that aloe can help to support the body̍s own healing processes.* In addition, aloe vera has been shown to support a healthy digestive system.*NOW Aloe Vera Gels deliver the natural nutrient profile found in genuine whole foods.
Natural color variation may occur in this product.
Naturally occurring particulates may be visible in the aloe vera.